Call for paper

Topics of interest

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. MODA21 welcomes full papers which will ideally address:

  • State-of-the-practice method, tools, techniques in monitoring at various HPC sites
  • Solutions for monitoring and analysis of operational data that work very well on large- to extreme-scale systems with a large number of users
  • Solutions that have proven limitations in terms of efficiency of operational data collection in real-time or in terms of the quality of the collected data
  • Opportunities and challenges of using machine learning methods for efficient monitoring and analysis of operational data
  • Integration of monitoring and analysis practices into production system software (energy and resource management) and runtime systems (scheduling and resource allocation)
  • Discuss explicit gaps between operational data collection, processing, effective analysis, highly useful exploitation, and propose new approaches to closing these gaps for the benefit of improving HPC center planning, operations, and research
  • Other monitoring and operational data analysis challenges and approaches (data collection, storage, visualization, integration into system software, adoption)
  • Means to identify misuse, intentional or unintentional, of resources, and methods to mitigate the effects of these: taking automatic steps to contain the effects of one application/job/user allocation on others, supporting users to identify causes for the misbehavior of their application, linking to intrusion detection and safe multitenancy.
  • Concepts to integrate MODA into the system design at all levels, including dedicated hardware components, middleware features, and tool support that make ‘monitoring by default’ a viable option without sacrificing performance.
  • FAIR data practices, including sharing of monitoring workflows and tools across sites while ensuring compliance with GDPR regulations and user access agreements.

Submission, publication, and important dates

We will solicit original contributions in the form of full papers (6-12 pages) which will be peer-reviewed by the program committee members. All accepted papers will be presented during the workshop.

Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair online system at Paper submissions are required to be formatted like the ISC research papers using LNCS style (see Springer’s website):

  • Single-column format
  • Maximum 12 pages (including figures and references)
  • Use Springer’s LaTeX document class or Word template (see Springer’s Proceedings Guidelines)
  • The workshop chairs reserve the right to reject incorrectly formatted papers
  • Papers cannot have been previously published or simultaneously under review

The workshop papers will be published together with the ISC 2021 proceedings, including an abstract of the keynote and invited talks, and a short white paper of the panel session.

Important dates

March 29, 2021 (AoE)
Paper submission
April 5, 2021 (AoE) [firm deadline to align with early bird registration deadline]
May 3, 2021.
One month after the workshop date (held on July 2, 2021)
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